Business & Commercial Insurance Claims
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Call Today: 954-463-8100
The saying goes, “Time is money.” For any business lost time is lost money, and that loss can spell the end for any commercial endeavor. If you have commercial Insurance Claims, call The Mineo Salcedo Law Firm at 954-463-8100 for a free consultation.
When natural disasters such as hurricanes have struck our State, there are businesses which were operational and profitable prior to the storm hitting which then were never able to open their doors again. Even when fully insured.
Business and commercial insurance is meant to protect your endeavor, and to provide it with a necessary life line while you take the steps necessary to be able to reopen. You have bills to pay, employees and salary to worry about, equipment which needs to be repaired or replaced, and premises which need to be fixed, as well as your own cash flow and family to worry about. Unfortunately, your insurance company may not feel the same pressure that you do.
Rather than provide your business with the infusion of funds it needs, the insurance company may take its time to review your corporate records, which may not even be readily accessible or intact after a disaster, have forensic accounts go through your numbers, or seek to have your losses decided in an appraisal process by an umpire. It may be years before you see the money your business is entitled to, and even then it may not have been enough. That sort of delay can spell the end for your company.
You and your business cannot afford to wait.
Please contact us so that our attorneys may assist you with your denied or underpaid business or commercial claim, or by representing you from the onset with your new insurance claim.