Insurance Claims Process Holding up Recovery of Cape Coral

cape coral tornado blog postAs the city of Cape Coral begins coming to terms with the loss and damage of their belongings and homes, many residents are growing frustrated of not being able to begin the healing process.

The $1.2 million in aid money from the Cape Coral emergency fund can help clean up debris, but most families are waiting on their insurance companies to repair their homes. Many of these residents are stating their insurance companies are still conducting estimates and not allowing them to begin the repair process until the insurance company completes their procedures.

As water continues leaking into homes and damage accumulates, many are waiting several days to speak with their adjuster. Of those who have had an adjuster visit their home, many are stating there are several days between the adjuster’s visit and an estimate being provided, all while the homes continue being battered by the elements. This gap is making an already catastrophic situation even more frustrating for the displaced families.

While insurance companies have agreed to assist with the cost of a hotel, residents are displaced for an unknown amount of time and having a tough time finding a longer-term rental property to live in during this especially busy rental season, causing additional heartache. The sooner these families can begin hiring contractors and putting their homes back the way they were, prior to the storm, the sooner they can get back their normal lives back.

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